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KJM successfully passed the 2022 GRS system recognition

Return list source:JIMEI view:- date:2022-09-30 10:27:00【Large Middle Small

    Recently, the company have passed the global recycling standard GRS certification audit and obtained the certificate of compliance, becoming one of the few recycling companies in the industry that have passed the GRS certification and can provide TC certificates and GRS certificates to customers in need.

What is GRS certificate

    Whose products raw materials must contain at least 50% recycled content which are allowed to use the GRS certification label .

 The Global Recycling Standard (GRS), is an internationalvoluntaryand complete product-specific standard that addresses supply chain manufacturers' implementation of product recycling/recycled content, chain-of-custody controls, social responsibility and environmental regulations, and chemical restrictions, and is certified by a third-party certification body.


      Applications for GRS certification must meet the requirements of five major areas: traceability, environmental protection, social responsibility, recycled labels, and general principles.


     To obtain GRS certification, a product needs to contain at least 20% of its raw materials made up of recycled fibers and be 100% contamination-free. Recycled fibers should also clearly indicate pre-consumer waste or post-consumer waste, as well as the proportion of both pre-consumer and post-consumer in recycled fibers.


In addition to the regulations on raw materials, corporate social responsibility, pollution prevention and treatment in the production process, and chemical restrictions are strengthened.